Sunday, June 18, 2017

God is able!

...the God who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly and above your widest imaginations! 

You don’t believe that is possible? Ask Jacob in the Bible. Even though he was told that Joseph had been killed by forest beast, I believe there was still a deep seated desire in his heart to see this child alive (even though the Bible did not say that). You all know the story. Jacob would have been super satisfied to find out that his son was alive. But for Joseph to be alive, and be highly placed in a foreign land (which is like the most powerful nation at that time), that was “Jehovah overdo” in action! Not only did Jacob witnessed his son’s royalty and enjoyed the benefits of the same, he lived to see his grandchildren before he died. What a mighty God we serve!

To read the full testimony and many more, get a copy of my book 21 Amazing Stories of God's Word in Action available on Click on this link God is Able to get the book!