Sunday, May 3, 2020


As I stood one more time in the William Fryman Chapel at the Good Samaritan Hospital, within the final two hours of my clinical rotation at this memorable hospital, I looked again at the image that I have loved so much and beheld several times in the past 16 weeks. I saw something in the image that I have never paid attention to. 

Mind you, I have stood almost every Saturday in this chapel (first thing in the morning) to pray for all the patients, families, and staff before rounding, but I have never paid close attention to that image. I know the two obvious objects in it are that of Abraham and his son getting ready to offer a sacrifice unto God. I saw their commitment, their vulnerability, the struggle going on (possibly) in Abraham's mind that he was about to slaughter the same promised child that took forever to have. Don't even mention the emotions that run through Isaac as he surrendered to his old man who insisted God spoke to him to do this. 

But on my final day at this hospital (as a chaplain resident), I decided to take an intentional look at that image, and to my amazement, there are two other people in that image. You can call them whatever you like, my guess is those were the two young men that followed Abraham on that painful journey (Genesis 22:3-5). 

My point is, are there THINGS in your life (situation and circumstances) that need another INTENTIONAL look - second, third, fourth, or 50 more looks for you to see and understand and appreciate more. Okay, how about this? Are there PEOPLE in your life that you have been living with or relating with for years and you have been looking at them but you have not actually looked at them? Guess what, I am speaking to myself as I write this because I have looked at that image for four good months and only saw two people whereas there have been four. Would you pray for me and with me that God should open our eyes to see beyond the facade and increase our desire to see when we look. (05/03/2020@7p.m)

During my last week at this hospital, I had a brief (7mins) interview with the staff chaplains, Stephen Summers and Susan Janos, here is the link

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