Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Ogoji Egboogi

Brief History of How the Book Came About

This is brief information of how the book came to be. Back in 1999/2000, my mum was diagnosed with all kinds of sicknesses and other health issues largely as a result of several accidents she had while on business trips. Every time her blood pressure was off the roof and the possibility of her living long was ruled out by the doctors. As I was praying about the issue, I discovered the truth about God's word being used as medicine for our healing. I encouraged her that she will not die but she will need to engage the word of God in battle against sickness and disease.
Since she could not read English, I compiled about 25 Scriptures that have made tremendous impacts on my life in Yoruba and I titled that print out as "Egboogi Meedogbon Ti O Segun Gbogbo Arun". I told her to be faithful to reading it daily just like she had been faithful to doctor's prescriptions. To the glory of God, she started giving testimonies. She wore out the paper and I printed a larger copy for her.
That was since 2000, she is still alive today to the glory of God. After I relocated to the United States, I read the testimony of Joel Osteen's mum on how she was healed of a terminal disease by reading Scriptures to herself, and my mum encouraged me to publish this material for people who cannot speak English. Then I researched more into it. Few years ago, another woman was having some pains on her hands, I printed the same Scriptures for her to be reading and she also testified. Another woman suffered a massive stroke sometime last year and this same print out was sent to her, she also testified of God’s healing power inherent in His word. I join my faith with whoever is reading these Scriptures to experience the glory of God concerning your desire in the precious name of Jesus.  Shalom!

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